- 2024/10/09
- Uploaded MEMBER's page (ENGLISH version, October 2024).
- 2024/07/10
- Had been uploaded the following our research topic (on Graduate School's main site).
- Maneuverability of a Large Ship Sailing through a Canal
- 2023/04/27
- "US-Japan Joint Workshop on Ship Hydrodynamics" was held (the article is here).
- 2022/10/10
- "TU Berlin and HU Joint Workshop on Ship Hydrodynamics" was held (the article is here).
- 2019/01/17
- Concluded an International Exchange Agreement with
School of Transportation, Wuhan University of Technology (the detailed article is here).
- 2015/03/01
- Uploaded INTRODUCTION's page (ENGLISH version).
- 2011/07/01
- Renewed our home page.